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International Day of Peace 2023 celebration!

Caritas Marsabit, an organization deeply committed to the promotion of Peace, Justice, and Development for the people of Marsabit, joins other stakeholders in fostering peace to commemorate the International Day of Peace 2023 event taking place in Moyale, Marsabit County. 
Over the years, Caritas Marsabit has tirelessly worked towards fostering a culture of peace and justice among the diverse communities residing in our county. Through our dedicated Justice and Peace Department, we have undertaken numerous initiatives aimed at reconciling warring communities and Advocating for Good Governance, which plays a pivotal role in ensuring justice for all.

The theme of this year's International Day of Peace, "Actions for Peace," resonates strongly with our mission and the collective aspirations of the people of Marsabit County. It serves as a poignant reminder that peace is not a passive state but a dynamic process that requires ongoing actions and commitment from all of us
Caritas Marsabit has been among the most privileged to witness firsthand the transformative power of peace and justice initiatives in Marsabit. Through interfaith dialogues and reconciliation efforts, we have seen communities torn apart by historical grievances come together to build bridges of understanding and cooperation. Moreover, by advocating for good governance, we have strived to ensure that justice is not a privilege but a fundamental right accessible to every resident of Marsabit County.
On this auspicious occasion, we wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Planning Committee for their tireless efforts in bringing together various stakeholders and peace actors in recognition of this important day. Your commitment to promoting peace through concrete actions is a testament to the unity and resilience of our county.
As we celebrate the International Day of Peace today, let us renew our collective commitment to peace and development in Marsabit County. May this day inspire us to take concrete steps in our daily lives to promote understanding, reconciliation, and justice.
Caritas Marsabit remains steadfast in its resolve to continue supporting and collaborating with all peace actors in our county. We look forward to a future where our actions for peace create a ripple effect, leading to prosperity and justice for every individual.
#PeaceDayMarsabit2023 #YouthPower #PeaceInOurCommunity #YouthLeadership/Marsabit County Government Press Service/Marsabit county Media/Radio Jangwani 106.3fm/

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