• +254113458289
  • info@caritas-dom.org

Raised: $0

Goal: $20,000

Health and Nutrition

The program is designed to address both short-term and long-term nutrition and health needs.

Raised: $0

Goal: $25,000

Justice and Peace

The Justice and Peace program promotes peaceful coexistence among local communities by promoting peace building.

Raised: $0

Goal: $23,000

Disaster Response Management

The program focuses on building safer, resilient and progressive communities in Marsabit County.

Raised: $0

Goal: $21,000

Sustainable Livelihoods

This aims at ensuring sustainable food security and income to meet basic needs for the poorest.

Raised: $0

Goal: $19,999

Angaza Project

CARITAS MARSABIT ANGAZA PEACE AND HEALTH SPORT DAYS – MARSABIT Promoting peace and female circumcision prevention in the drought-stricken nomadic region of northern Kenya Marsabit through sporting events.